Desktop Investigations
and Searches

Desktop Investigations - may provide a starting point to determine whether further examination is required. Our desktop investigations include searches of social media and deep web searches in addition to a range or both public domain and private (subscriber) databases - see below.

Searches - we have access to a vast range of databases both public domain and private (subscriber). Over 300 different searches are available including company and business records (ASIC), Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Land Titles in every state, Electoral Roll, reverse mobile and landline telephone, current and historic telephone records, tenancy, occupancy and domain registration to name a few. 

Such searches can provide a cost effective way of obtaining background information, whether by itself, as part of a desktop investigation or to complement our other assessment and investigation services.


PO Box 812
Pennant Hills NSW 1715


Phone: 61 2 9869 3060

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